Seven Seas Cultural Exchange is extremely pleased to have qualified for ICEF Agency recognition! ICEF’s industry-leading quality assurance processes are increasingly recognised worldwide as an important qualification for active student recruitment agencies. At...
We have a lovely host family looking for a Demipair to move as soon as possible, and join them in beautiful Queenstown for the next 4-5 months.Experience Queenstown and all of the adventure and excitement it has to offer. Located on the shores of the South Island’s...
We are pleased to say you can now see our revamped website come to life. We have been working hard on a new and easy to use Seven Seas Cultural Exchange website, check it out now! Behind the scenes it is still business as usual with our committed and skilled staff on...
Amanda and Andrew are looking for someone to help them with their 3 kids and live in their beautiful home right by the beach! Amanda is a school teacher, and Andrew a school principal – and they would love for you to help look after Max (10), Tyler (8) and...
Register as a host family and mention our Facebook/Web post and you’ll be in to win a voucher for a dinner for two at the beautiful Macau restaurant in Tauranga or a Queenstown restaurant of your choice. Find out more about our program by browsing through the website...
You have a parent who is looking for help with shopping and cooking? And who also would like somebody to keep him / her company, maybe go on little excursions with them or just sit and remember the good old times? We have a number of German mature students (50 +) who...
Please come and join us for another Seven Seas host family get-together, this time at the Mount Social Club on 305 Maunganui Road in Mount Maunganui. This meeting is for you if you would like to: *Find out more about getting demipairs and granny aupairs to help you...
Venha para a Nova Zelândia estudar Inglês em uma instituição de ensino e trabalhar como babá para uma família neozelandesa (Acomodação e alimentação FREE além de $70.00 de mesada por semana em troca de 20hrs cuidando da(s) criança(s) da família)! Precisa ter entre 18...
Our 4th Seven Seas Cultural Exchange Demipair-BBQ went down a treat, the weather was absolutely fantastic and the food was not too bad either. We are sad to say goodbye to Paul and Simon, our two male demipairs, who turned out to be a great asset for their host...
Wer Neuseeland kennt, weiß, dass Queenstown und Mount Maunganui zu den schönsten Orten des Landes zählen. Ideal für einen mehrmontagigen Sprachkurs- und Demipairaufenthalt! In Queenstown Berge zum Snowboarden oder Mountainbiken und in Mount Maunganui der Strand zum...
Meine 3 Monate als Demi-Pair waren bis jetzt die schönsten 3 Monate in meinem Leben. Ich hatte so Glück mit meiner Kiwi Familie. Besser hätte sie nicht zu mir passen können. Ich hatte Glück direkt am Strand zu wohnen & 2 wunderbare Mädchen als Gastkinder zu haben,...